The DOLLAR Method is a tool you and your family can use to adjust your attitudes towards Money. You will set aside some money for special purposes each pay period. This will be the money you get to enjoy.
You will allocate some money to spend on yourself any way you want to. This is YOUR money. There are no rules on how to spend it.
This creates a feeling of Having Enough Money.
You will give some money away without gaining anything in return. You give this money away without resentment or obligation because you have enough OTHER money.
This creates a feeling of Having More than Enough Money.
You will invest some money so some day you can retire. Use this money to make money. Someday you will have income without working.
This creates the ability to Have Enough Tomorrow.
You will spend some money to improve your Life. Make yourself, your family,and the world better as you pass through Life.
This ensures you will Have a Better Tomorrow.
By accomplishing these four habitual attitudes, you will Have a Better Today.